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Thursday, June 24, 2010

Using What You Have!!

Well, since refinishing my dresser, it was a little bare on top. I decided to take a look through the attic to see what I could use to decorate it. This is what I found:
Clearance Christmas decorations, little blocks that spell JOY.
A set of yard sale candle holders.
A yard sale box.

I decided to turn the candle holders over, because I like the way they look better that way.  I placed the blocks on top of the candle holders.  For height I added a dried arrangement that I had somewhere else in the house.  This is how it turned out:

So, by shopping in the attic, I was able to decorate the top of my dresser for a whopping $0.00!!  I always knew shopping the after Christmas sale would pay off, haha!!

To find more great Thrifty Thursday ideas visit Tales From Bloggeritaville.

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