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Thursday, June 24, 2010

Magazine holder revamp!!

So on a trip to the Good Will last week, I found this magazine holder. I paid a whole $0.60 for this beauty!! I knew it was ugly, but I needed the storage, and was sure I could make it look better.

So, I decided to look through my fabric stock-pile, and found some that I thought would work well. I bought the fabric last year at a yard sale, I think I got the entire bag for $0.50.

I took out the trusty glue gun, and went to work.  I am sure you could use some sort of fabric glue, but I did not have any at the time.  So, I cut my fabric and used my hot glue gun to attach it to the magazine holder.  This is what I ended up with.
It is not perfect, but I think it is an improvement over what it looked like before, and for under a dollar I will take it!!!

To find more thrifty ideas, check out Tales from Bloggeritaville!!

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