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Monday, June 28, 2010

Baby Look-alike Meter Review!!

Have you, or do you know someone who has, had a conversation that goes a little something like this, "She is so cute, but I think she looks more like her dad"?

With all of our children we have heard the same thing, some people think our children look just like their dad, while others think they look like me. I cannot seem to tell who they look like.

Well, if you have that problem too, there is now a cute and fun little tool that can settle the dispute for you. The Baby Look-alike Meter will tell you who your child looks more like. I really think this is such a neat idea.

The Baby Look-alike Meter is a product of MyHeritage.com. To use this tool, you simply upload a photo of your child, along with a photo of Mom and Dad. Once all of the photos are in, the meter will let you know who your child looks more like. You can even post the results on your facebook and blog profile.

Signing up for an account is easy, and FREE. Once you sign up, and upload your photos, you will have the result. What a great way to settle that little dispute, or should I say discussion, in your family, and talk about a good conversation piece.

The Free Family Tree Builder from My Heritage is also a fun and easy tool to use. 
Disclosure:  This is a paid review.

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