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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Start the new year with a clean coupon box.

No matter how you organize your coupons, now is a great time to clean them out. I have to admit that I have been getting a little slack when it comes to my coupon organization. I had all of the inserts, but most of them were not cut. So, over the past two nights I cut out all of the coupons that are good, and threw out all of the expired coupons. Wow, that made tons of room!!

If you remember my post here, about the Couponizer, you know that I recently received one. I really love the concept, and how convenient it is to carry into the store. Now my big task for tonight is to go through and separate my coupons and place them on the proper page of my Couponizer.

You wouldn't believe how much better you feel when you get some of the clutter out.

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