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Thursday, December 31, 2009

Out with the old, in with the new!!

That time is here once again. The old year is ending and a new one is beginning. As I take a moment to look back at this year, it really is amazing. So many things, unexpected things, have happened, and yet here we are. We made it through. For those of you who know me personally, you know the (things) that I am referring to. This year has definitely been one of struggles and heartache, but it has also been one full of blessings. This time last year, I never would have dreamed that my life would be what it is now.

I am so very thankful for everything, the good along with the bad, because without the struggles I would not have the strong faith that I have today. If this year has taught me anything, it is that God has an ultimate plan for your life, and he will provide.

It is so very easy to get caught up in "life". The day to day activities, the drama, the disappointment, and so on. When we get caught up in all of this, it is so easy to feel all alone. But we, as Christians, have the comfort of knowing that we are never alone. God, in his amazing glory, is always there showing us his mercy and grace daily, and on the days when it is a struggle to make it through the next 10 minutes, he is there as well.

One of the most amazing things that I have experienced this year is how God knows exactly what you need, and exactly when you need it. There have been several times when life just felt overwhelming, and at that exact moment when I felt that I could not possibly take another second, the phone would ring. On the other end would be a friend who just wanted to check on me and let me know how much they love me. It truly is amazing, what God can do, if we only Trust him.

It is my hope for all of you that this year you can experience the wonder that is God. His grace and mercy, which truly are overflowing, and his love and peace. The type of peace that will carry you through the difficult times that may lay ahead.

This is one of my favorites. My favorite part of this song is when it says:

"I can see a light that is coming for the heart that holds on. There will be an end to these troubles, but until that day comes, still I will praise you, still I will praise you."

I wish you all a happy New Year!!

photo source: konr4d

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