If you are anything like me, I have a huge tote full of free stuff in my home. I get it because it is free and if I can't use it, I give it to someone who can. Well, I have another idea for all of that free stuff. I have posted in the past about a ministry called Operation Christmas Child. This is a ministry that delivers shoe boxes filled with items and literature about God and the Christian faith to under privileged children around the world. You can read more about OCC here. What if I take my stash of free stuff that I can't use, and put it in the shoe boxes. I think that would be a great way to share. I volunteer with the OCC ministry, and you would be surprised how happy these kids are when they open their box and pull out a toothbrush. Something that we take for granted, but yet it brings them such joy because they don't have stuff like that.
The shoe boxes can be filled with toys, hygiene items, hard candy, socks, and other items along those lines. The first year that I participated in this ministry, I received a book afterwards that was filled with pictures of these children receiving and opening their boxes. It brought tears to my eyes, something that we see as so simple can change the life of someone else.
I would like to encourage everyone to join with me in collecting free stuff like toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, bar soap, hard candy, and anything else that can be stuffed into these boxes of hope. With the economy in the state that it is currently in, we often feel like there isn't much we can do to help others, but that is simply not true. I truly believe that God will provide a way, and I see this as my way to help.
Who would have ever thought that "super coupers" like us could make such a huge difference with a few shoe boxes and lots of freebies.
Photo Source: Mike Licht

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