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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

First Juice Giveaway!!

Have you heard of Purple Carrots? Well, I must admit that I had not heard of them either until I tried First Juice.

First Juice is specially created for toddlers and has half the sugar of 100% apple juice. As a parent, I am very conscious of what type of products my children are allowed to have. Products that are filled with sugar are pretty much banned from my house, because honestly, my children do not need any extra sugar. That is what grabbed my attention about First Juice, the lower sugar content. It also contains vitamins A, C, D, and calcium.

I can not say enough about the packaging. The juice is available in a 32 oz. bottle and an 8 oz. bottle. The 8 oz. bottle comes with a re-usable sippy cup top that was designed by a pediatric dentist. What is even better about the 8 oz. bottle is that is does not leak!! I was thrilled to not have juice all over the table and floor when my children knocked them over. I even allowed them to take it in the car, and there was no juice to clean up when we got back home.

How does it taste, you ask? It tastes great. First Juice is available in four different flavors: apple carrot, banana carrot, blueberry purple carrot, and peach purple carrot. My children absolutely loved all the flavors, and I have to say that I liked them too.

If you are looking for a healthier option for your children, First Juice is definitely something you should try. To find a retailer near you, and request a coupon, visit www.firstjuice.com.

Now for the giveaway!!

Thanks to the wonderful team at First Juice I am giving away a huge gift pack from first juice containing:

32 oz. Blueberry and Purple Carrot
32 oz. Peach and Purple Carrot
32 oz. Banana Carrot
32 oz. Apple Carrot
8 0z. Blueberry and Purple Carrot
8 oz. Peach and Purple Carrot
8 oz. Banana Carrot
8 oz. Apple Carrot
(2) t-shirts
(1) seed starter kit

That is (4) 32 oz. bottles of juice and (4) 8 oz. bottles. I would say that is very generous, wouldn't you? To enter the giveaway simply leave a comment on this post stating what you think your favorite flavor will be. You may earn extra entries by:

1. Subscribing to my blog.
2. Following my blog.
3. Following me on Twitter (under links tab).
4. Blogging about the giveaway.
5. Tweeting about the giveaway.
6. Visit the First Juice site, and tell me your favorite fact (something you learned form the site).

Please be sure to leave an additional comment for each entry, and a valid email address, so that I can contact you if you win.


Anonymous said...

Wow, that is a generous Give-away.. Please sign me up!! Thank you

Anonymous said...

Do i get an extra entry because i suscribe? lol

Anonymous said...

I think Peach and Purple Carrot would be our favorite!

allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

Anonymous said...

I am a subscriber! Thanks!

allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

Anonymous said...

First Juice is based in Randolph, NJ!

allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

Anonymous said...

I think my favorite would be the blueberry and purple carrot.

Anonymous said...

I subscribe.

Anonymous said...


andrea v said...

That's great. I would like the blueberry and purple. thanks

andrea v said...

i subscribe

Sue D said...

I think my favorite would be Blueberry and Purple Carrot.
slrdowney at hotmail dot com

andrea v said...

They have received many rewards such as 2008 PTPA (Parent Tested, Parent Approved) Award

Sue D said...

I learned that the pigment in purple carrots (and blueberries and red grapes) are called anthocyanins and are a type of antioxidant.
slrdowney at hotmail dot com

JalenasMommy said...

Yay! I think I would like the bannana carrot! Thank you

valerie2350 said...

blueberry :)

valerie2350 said...


valerie2350 said...


valerie2350 said...

has 12 g of sugar in an 8 oz glass - much less than other juice

Melissa said...

I'd like the apple carrot!

Melissa said...

I learned that it has WAY less sugar than typical fruit juices!

Ladybug's Mom said...

The Blueberry and Carrot would definitely be my berry loving daughter's favorite.

Ladybug's Mom said...

I also subscribe.

Jackie said...

I think my favorite might be Peach and Purple Carrot. Thanks for the review and giveaway!

Danielle said...

The Banana Carrot sounds yummy.

ldsmom2201 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I think the Peach and Purple carrot would be our favorite...it sounds yummy!


Anonymous said...

I goofed on my email address! lol it's jencala28@yahoo.com. Sorry!

Danielle said...

Carrots were originally grown in Persia.

ldsmom2201 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I would guess Peach and Purple carrot.

jendi at jendisjournal.com

Anonymous said...

I subscribe and that's how I spotted this generous giveaway.

jendi at jendisjournal.com

Anonymous said...

I already follow you on twitter.

-I grew purple carrots once.

jendi at jendisjournal.com

Anonymous said...

At First Juice I learned that the carrots benefit our eyes, skin, heart, lungs, and intestines! I knew about the eyes, but not the other stuff.

jendi at jendisjournal.com

~ Doreen said...

Definately apple carrot!!

~ Doreen said...

Well, I visited the site and learned all about purple carrots!

~ Doreen said...

Just became a subscriber!

cpullum said...

Like to try Peach and Purple Carrot

Janet said...

My fave would be blueberry purple carrot. lol Thanks.


Janet said...

Twtr: gahome2mom


Janet said...

Follow: gahome2mom (at) gmail (dot) com

Janet said...

Follow on Twitter: gahome2mom (at) gmail (dot) com

Kristen said...

I think Peach and Purple Carrot! Wonderful giveaway! Thanks so much!!

Sarah said...

AWESOME! I subscribe!

Sarah said...

I also follow!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The apple carrot!

ABCD Diaries said...

i think banana carrot would be yummy:) thanks!

ABCD Diaries said...

they won the parent-tested, parent approved award last year:) thanks!

Tylerpants said...

Blueberry and Purple Carrot sounds like an interesting combination!

Anonymous said...

I would love to try Peach and Purple carrot. My kids love juice and I would love an option with less sugar, so thanks!


Anonymous said...

Hmmm, I gotta go with the peach carrot!

butterflykiss10282 AT yahoo DOT com

Anonymous said...

Never knew there were 4 different color carrots before they were cross bred to make orange! I bet my kids would chow down on different colored carrots!!!

butterflykiss10282 AT yahoo DOT com

Anonymous said...

I'm following on Twitter (givethemroots).

butterflykiss10282 AT yahoo DOT com

Anonymous said...

I'm also a follower on blogger! (PeedFamily)

butterflykiss10282 AT yahoo DOT com

trixx said...

Apple Carrot sounds great!

Liza767 said...

banana carrots sound good to me

Liza767 said...

i subscribe to newsletter

Anonymous said...

Would love to try the 8 0z. Blueberry and Purple Carrot juice! Thanks.


Anonymous said...

It's organic! How awesome is that!

Anonymous said...

I think it would like the peach and purple carrot!

K. C.

Anonymous said...

Peach and purple carrot sounds yummy!


Anonymous said...

I think that the peach and purple carrot would taste the best, they all sound good though. I will try them, my kids love to drink juice, so any that is healthy is good!


Anonymous said...

I am a follower

Anonymous said...

i am a subscriber

Anonymous said...

I found that it uses a lot less sugar and is a lot better for your children than most juices

Unknown said...

I think my fave would be Blueberry and Purple Carrot.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Follow you on twitter (aitmama)

Unknown said...

Fave fact: once upon a time, in Persia, carrots were PURPLE!