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Monday, December 29, 2008

Frugal Diapering!!

Having three children, I have found that using cloth diapers on #3 has proven to be more frugal than disposable diapers. Although it requires an investment upfront, the savings really add up in the long run. I have tried different brands of cloth diapers, and found that my little one grows so fast that it seems like she is out of them as soon as I buy a new size, until now. Happy Heinys makes a One Size Fits All, All In One diaper. When reading about them I thought it sounded too good to be true, but boy was I wrong. This diaper really is made to fit all sizes. The snaps in the front and Velcro closures make them the perfect cloth diaper in my opinion, and they come with a short insert for the smaller size babies and a long insert for larger babies. The inserts can be used together for the larger size babies, and that really helps throughout the night. I have not had any leakage what so ever. I had the wonderful opportunity to review them, and they have far surpassed my expectations. They have gone through several wares and washes, and still look and absorb like new. I highly recommend the Happy Heinys One Size Fits All, All In One diaper.

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