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Friday, October 1, 2010

Clear out some of that clutter!!

Okay, so I have been on a mission to clear out some of the clutter in my office. Sometimes it feels like I can not even think when I am surrounded by papers!!

So, one of the first issues that I had to address was magazines. I have tons of them (most of the subscriptions I get for free). Each one has at least one article that I want to read. I am sure you all know how it is, you see an article that looks interesting, so you turn the top of the page down, thinking that you will have time to read it later (assuming that you can find it later).

Well, I went through my magazines and ripped out all of the articles that I wanted to read. I then placed them in a little folder that I can grab on my way out of the door. I have been spending tons of time in the car since we started back with homeschool at various lessons and groups for the kids. This folder is perfect to keep me occupied, and my magazine pile a lot shorter.

What are some of your favorite tips on how to win the paper war??

photo source: R Young

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