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Monday, August 2, 2010

Menu Plan Monday!!

Breakfast: Eggs and Toast
Lunch: Leftovers
Dinner: Baked Chicken, mashed sweet potatoes, and peas

Breakfast: Sausage and eggs
Lunch: Chicken Nuggets
Dinner: Chili

Breakfast: Breakfast Casserole
Lunch: Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches
Dinner: Pizza (home made)

Breakfast: Left over Breakfast Casserole
Lunch:  Hot Dogs
Dinner: Left over Chili

Breakfast: Sausage Muffins
Lunch: Soup
Dinner: Pancakes and eggs (I love breakfast for dinner!!)

Breakfast:  Grits and toast
Lunch:  Grilled Cheese Sandwich
Dinner: Chicken and Pasta

For more great menus visit Menu Plan Monday at Organizing Junkie!!

1 comment:

Momma Button said...

I'll be there Saturday morning for breakfast..........love me some grits!