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Saturday, July 24, 2010

Savvy Blogging Summit!!

Remember how I told you about my recent trip to Colorado. I really had a great time at the Savvy Blogging Summit, and I learned so much from all of the wonderful teachers. Well, guess what?? If you were not able to make it to the Summit, but would really like to know everything that went on, you can now purchase the audio recordings from the Summit.

The Sessions are as follows:
Blogging in the Media
Building Community
Communication and Personal Productivity
Consulting and Proposal Writing
CSS/Code and Design
Effective Monitization
Media Kit Workshop
Savvy Blogging Opening Keynote speaker: JD Roth
SEO Tips
Strategic Planning

You can purchase them individually for $10.00 each, or get the entire package for $97.00. This is such a great deal!! I am telling you, I really enjoyed the Savvy Blogging Summit, and learned so many things. If you are a new blogger, or even an experienced blogger and wish to take it to the next level, I strongly suggest you get the Savvy Blogging Summit package. Trust me, you will be so glad you did.

Click here to visit Savvy Blogging.

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