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Monday, June 21, 2010

Envelopes ReVamped!!

Okay, so if you have been reading my blog for a while you have heard me mention Dave Ramsey. Well, I am getting really serious about our budget, because we have set an enormous goal, to be able to pay at least 50% in cash when we purchase our home. I want to be able to do this in five years, so we are going to start saving every penny.

With that being said, I love the envelope system, but hate the plain old white envelopes. So, I was so excited to see this tutorial on how to make your own pretty envelopes.

So, I printed out the template, and traced it on my scrapbook paper (which I got on clearance for $0.14 per sheet at Michaels this morning).

Next I cut out my pattern.

Then I used these super handy Glue Dots (which I LOVE) to hold the bottom part together.  You can find tons of other Glue Dot projects here.
There are is also tons of information on Glue Dots at the Twitter Moms page.
This is what I ended up with.

These are so much better than the plain old white ones!!

“I wrote this blog post while participating in the TwitterMoms and Glue Dots blogging contest to be eligible to receive a $30 gift card. For more information on how you can participate, click here.”