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Monday, May 17, 2010

Inspiration Monday!!

It has been a while since I did an Inspiration Monday post, but I just felt the need to post this for you all. Yesterday in Church, my pastor gave a sermon on promises. Promises that God has made, and promises that he has not made. It is so easy to get angry when we feel like the whole world is crashing down,and things are not going the way we want them to. So often we feel that we have been treated unfairly, or even forgotten about. Many of us have been led to believe that if we believe and have enough faith, our lives will be forever happy.

This simply is not the case. However, the promise that God did make to us is that he would give us the Grace and Mercy to deal with whatever circumstances we face.

What an awesome promise!!

The name of this song is Our God. This is probably my favorite part of the song:

"And if our God is for us, then who could ever stop us?
If our God is with us, then what could stand against"

I hope you enjoy!!

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