Neosporin Neo To Go, the box with 10 individual packets in it was marked down to $0.75.
Use the $1.00 Neosporin coupon from a recent circular and it is FREE, plus a $0.25 overage.
Band-Aid Spongebob band aids, the 10 count box was marked down to $1.50.
Use the $1.00 coupon from a recent circular and the are only $0.50 per box. I am not a fan of Spongebob, but my children seem to have the impression that band-aids are stickers so I grabbed them.
Ortega Taco Seasoning Mix was marked down to $0.47 per pack.
Use the $0.75 off of two coupon from a recent insert, and the $1.00 off two coupon from another recent insert and you get two for FREE with a $0.06 overage, and two for $0.19. You can do a lot more than just make tacos with this stuff.
Aveeno 8 fl. oz. baby wash was marked down to $2.97.
Use the $2.00 coupon found here, and get it for $0.97.
Success Rice was $1.64 for the boil-in-bag white rice.
Use the $1.00 coupon from a recent insert and get it for $0.64.

Wow those are some great deals. I need to to wally world to shop!
thanks for the great walmart finds, heading there now.
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