This weeks giveaway is really neat. Trista Jenson, is a Scentsy Independent Consultant, and she wants to introduce you to Sentsy products. She has generously offered to giveaway one Scentsy warmer and two scent bars. To enter the giveaway, visit the Scentsy site here, and take a look around. Then come back here and leave a comment on which warmer and scent bars you would like if you win. My favorite is the Giraffe warmer with the Vanilla Cream Scent bars. Good Luck!!
You may earn additional entries by:
1. Subscribing to my blog.
2. Following my blog.
3. Blogging about the giveaway.
4. Following me on twitter (under the links tab).
5. Tweeting about the giveaway.
6. Making a purchase from the Scentsy site.
Please be sure to leave an additional comment for each entry, and a valid email address so that I can contact you if you win.

Taralyn Parker - I subscribe to your blog
Taralyn Parker - Zebra Warmer - Meadow Pear and Mediterreanean Spa
labrynth warmer
Definitely the Dragonfly Warmer and the Clean Breeze scent bars. Thanks for the chance!!!
I'm already a subscriber! :-)
I follow you on twitter: JanelleKC
And I tweeted here!
I like the rooster warmer with Autumn Sunset!
Email subscriber! jadco123 @ hotmail.com
Twitter follower! jadco123
Tweeted your giveaway! http://twitter.com/jadco123/status/1385503196
I like the angora warmer and I would love to try the cashmere or Spruce and Citrus scent bars. TRigell at aol dot com
I follow :)
I also subscribe. TRigell at aol dot com
I follow you on twitter.
TRigell at aol dot com
I tweeted too.
TRigell at aol dot com
I blogged about this giveaway.
TRigell at aol dot com
Love the Malta Warmer and the Lush Gardina sent
I follow on twitter....preschoolinmom
Thanks so much!
I like the Doodlebud Warmer and Black Raspberry Vanilla and Sugar Cookie Scent Bars.
ldsmom2201 at yahoo dot com
I really love the Milano Warmer and the Silk and Welcome Home Thank you so much!
I like the Rooster warmer and the Cinnamon Vanilla bars.
Tweeted! http://twitter.com/SandyM204/status/1387916296
The stampede warmer and the lots of lavendar scent bar! Just thinking about it relaxes me!
I am a scubscriber! Thanks..
Giraffe warmer with baked apple pie bars
email:keithadanielle AT yahoo DOT com
email subscriber
email: keithadanielle AT yahoo DOT com
I love the Torino warmer and I bet the clean breeze scent is divine!!
jls_wss2003 at yahoo dot com
I follow your blog!
jls_wss2003 at yahoo dot com
I subscribe as well!!
jls_wss2003 at yahoo dot com
I like the Product # DSW-DFLY Dragonfly Scentsy Warmer. My favorite scent is Pumpkin Roll.
Tweet: http://twitter.com/henglish/status/1389346016
I'd choose the Roma Scentsy Warmer and probably the Pineapple paradise scent bar.
i would love the Sandstone Scentsy Warmer and the sugar cookie bars
The creamer warmer is cute and would go with our decor. Anything fruity would be great to smell or the autumn set.
I am a follower now~
love the roma warmer with Mediterranean spa and ocean scents!
i follow on twitter too!
i tweeted
jakesmomma04good give away to enter http://tinyurl.com/crcyzgless than 5 seconds ago from web
I like the Rustic Star warmer with Clean Breeze and Thunderstorm scents.
Thanks for the chance to win!
proudyaya04 {at} yahoo {dot} com
I subscribe!
proudyaya04 {at} yahoo {dot} com
Tracy Styron- I like the Rustic Star warmer, and the Cucumber lime scent bars!
Tracy Styron- I am a Subscriber
Tracy Styron-Follower
I like the Satin Black Warmer and Flirtatious!
Tweet: http://twitter.com/wastebasket/statuses/1417065272
I blogged about this giveaway: Here
I am following you on twitter.
Username: wastebasket
I like the Symphony warmer and the exotic vanilla and eucalyptus bars.
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