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Monday, March 2, 2009

How Good Is Your Phone??

I had the opportunity to try KGB free for a week recently. What is KGB, you ask. KGB, also known as Knowledge Generation Bureau, is a super cool independent directory assistance provider. This is how it works, when you are out and about and have a question you simply text KGB, and they answer the question for you. I asked them how far it was from my house to another location, and they quickly sent a reply that answered my question (a couple of different ways), and asked if I would like directions. Needless to say I was super impressed.

If you read my blog, you know that I am super frugal, so I do not have a GPS in my car. I am not the best with directions, so this is a great service for me. One of the neatest things about KGB, is that they will answer even the craziest question. You simply text your question to 542542, and in minutes you have your answer. This service costs $0.50 per text, and standard text messaging rates apply.

I have to say that I really enjoyed the KGB service, and will be using it in the future.

photo source: Scallop Holden

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