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Thursday, January 22, 2009


This is my Once A Month Cooking, or at least part of it, for the month.
Twice Baked Potatoes
Potato Soup (great recipe)
Pizza Pasta Casserole
Magnificent Casserole
Easy Chicken Quesadillas
Caesar Chicken Casserole (not pictured, because we had it last night)

Most of these recipes make a very large meal, if you have a small family you can probably get two meals out of them. If you plan to use them for two separate meals, make sure to freeze them separately.

I like to cook the rice ahead and freeze because it is quick and easy to defrost, and it is a great filler. I have not done my breakfast foods yet, but I ran out of time, so that will have to wait for another day.


Jackie said...

I've always wanted to do this, but never have. Sounds like you have some nice dishes prepared.

Sarah said...

I feel silly for asking, but for OAMC, do you actually cook all of the food and then freeze it, or do you just prepare it, freeze, and thaw/cook later?

Brandy said...

Thanks for the comments. In response to your question Sarah, I cook and assemble everything, and then freeze it. When we are ready to have that meal, I take it out and pop it in the oven, (or on the stove for the soup) and in about 30 minutes, we have dinner. I hope this helps.