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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Do You Stockpile??

I have seem some really great posts lately about stockpiling food. Before reading these I considered my stockpile to be pretty good, but boy did I learn a lot from these wise ladies. Deal Seeking Mom had a guest post today by All Things Frugal about stock piling. It is definitely worth reading.
My question to you is, do you stockpile food. If you do, how big is your stockpile?


jpkittie said...

I am just starting to stockpile, so it is pretty tiny --- but actually I have about 10 boxes of cereal ;)

Michelle W said...

Thanks for the tips and links! I'll be back.

Bubele said...

I stock pile only a little because of certain deals and so I don't have to go out to the grocery store several times with the kids, but because of where we live (upstate NY) I think it's a very good idea to stock pile even more...

BTW... I am so jealous of that panty in the pic- it looks like a supermarket!