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Monday, November 3, 2008

A Homemade Christmas: Week 1

Abbi over at Proverbs 31 Living is doing a series titled, A Homemade Christmas, every Monday. I don't have any pictures this week, but I love to give away tins of homemade cookies and candies. One of my favorite to make is Chocolate covered peanut butter balls, yummy. I try to do a variety of treats, but since most of them use basically the same ingrediants, it is not too expensive. I always buy my tins at the after Christmas sales when they are marked down 75% to 90% off, and save them for the next year.
If you have some homemade Christmas ideas head over to Proverbs 31 Living, and post them.

1 comment:

Abbi said...

Thanks so much for joining me for a Homemade Christmas!
I think homemade cookies and candy are a great idea. They taste yummy and everyone appreciates them and they don't clutter up your house. The idea of putting them in tins makes it really classy.
I hope you can join me again next week. :-)