#1 It saves you MONEY!! That is right, when you are organized, you actually know what you have. This prevents you from buying duplicates, which saves you money.
#2 It makes meal planning easier!! By knowing what ingredients you have on hand, it is much easier to prepare a meal plan.
#3 It makes it easier for the kids to help in the kitchen. If your children have chores in the kitchen, I am sure you know how frustrating it can be when they do not know where to put something. If everything has a place/home, it will be easier for them to do their chores, because they will know where items should go every time.
#4 It saves your sanity. Nothing is worse then being in a hurry with 100 things to do, and not being able to find the one last ingredient that you need for your dinner recipe.
#5 Speedy clean up when company arrives!! Do you every have unexpected visitors? Well, having an organized kitchen can make for a quick clean up job when that happens.
So, there you have it, my top five reasons for staying organized in the kitchen. What are your favorite reasons to stay organized in the kitchen?
photo source: theswedish
The man is the couponer and shopper in our house. My job is to try to organize the clutter. Sometimes too much food, esp perishable stuff, is bad and goes to waste; not good!
Keeping it clean is a 24/7 job sometimes, isn't it?
I've found that keeping it organized/cleaned along the way does make it easier to maintain because it doesn't take a big chunk of time.
Great suggestions!
Those are all great points. I totally need to reorganize my kitchen.
I especially love the idea of it helping kids to help. That's so true.
Organization is key to any smooth running home.
Being organized and clean makes it SO much easier to cook and just helps me relax. I get uptight when things are messy and in disarray.
The kitchen is the one place that stresses me out! I can't stand to have ti a mess, but if I stay out of it for 10 minutes then the boys destroy it. Uggh! Sometimes I wish I had a dishwasher... it would help so much with my counters. Well, assuming I could get the boys to put their dirty dishes straight into it. LOL!
Great tips. If only I could stay organized :p I get there then its a vicious cycle all over again.
My poor kitchen. WOW it would save me time and stress having mine organized. I feel like I have the tiniest kitchen and organizing my kitchen is a never ending chore. LOL
I agree 100& Organization works wonders in the kitchen or any other room
All excellent reasons especially the sanity part. I lose my mind when I lose something :)
I feel so much calmer when my kitchen is clutter-free. I remember years ago I eliminated many of the things that stayed on my counter top and the kitchen looked so much better.
I could not agree with you more- esp. reason #2! When you know what you have on hand in your kitchen and where everything is, it makes meal planning so much easier!
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