I found another neat gadget for you. This one is called the NanoLite. The NanoLite is a small adhesive light that sticks to a key, making it super easy to unlock your door. No more fumbling in the dark, trying to get the key in. Perfect for when you forget to turn the porch light on, or are in a dark parking lot. These cute little lights are available for purchase on Amazon.com and nanolite.net for $3.99. This would be a cute gift to get for the person who is hard to shop for.
If you really like the Nanolite, leave me a comment because I have one to give away. The wonderful team at Nanolite wants you to have your very own.
ok these are neat- going to the store to look for a few- I know a bunch of people who could use these- including me- pleaqse enter me
This is a great gift idea, especially for a stocking stuffer. I've heard great things about NanoLite and now I know where to buy one!
Very cool idea. I'm totally buying one for my sister and I both.
These would be perfect to use at night when I am trying to unlock my door in the dark. I wish I would have come up with this idea first!
I have one. Love it. It's great for finding your way in dark places, better than using your cell phone. I second the stocking stuffer idea:)
I could sure use a little bit of this "star-light" to find my way...and I'm wishing on a star to win!
Happy Holidays!
very cute, would love to win one for my dad. thanks
vickers at comcast dot net
I'm a subscriber
vickers at comcast dot net
I am always scratching my car trying to find the keyhole...this is a great idea
Please enter me!
I would love to win this!
mjharvey26 at yahoo dot com
I have one of these lights and I love it for when I am in a movie and need to find something in my purse!!! EVERYONE should have one!
I would totally use this on my car key - I can never find the lock.
I love this! I'm always fumbling with keys in the dark.
I'm a subscriber.
These are so cool - I am always struggling when I try to open my front door at night (and I don't have the porch light on)...I would LOVE this!!
contact me at:
I was just thinking the other night that I needed some kind of light on my keychain.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I really like this. A wonderful new gadget to help keep women safe. Every woman should have one.
This is perfect. I am one for fumbling with the keyhole for 10 minutes because I can't see. Thank you!
I'm a subscriber.
This is would come in real handy. I love stuff like that.
This would be great, especially with armloads of stuff!!
i'm always fumbling with my keys in the dark! this would be awesome.
fertawert AT yahoo DOT com
My front door lock is perpetually hard to unlock and dark -- this would be perfect!
Subscribed via email.
How neat!
I am a subscriber.
It always takes me forever to open the door to my house when it's dark out. I'm sure I look like a total doofus. I'd love for a chance to win!
I'm subscribed.
Perfect gift for anyone. I could use one myself-it's always dark when I get home from work, this would make it easier to get in the house!
I need this.
This would be perfect for me...no more struggling to get that key in the lock in the dark!
dlcwin AT gmail DOT com
My back door is really dark at night when I'm trying to get in. Great invention. Thanks!
Great for a dark nighttime parking lot!
I am always feeling for my car key hole in the dark...so stressful!!This would be AWESOME!!!
Heather Lafter
This would be great to have. It seems like I always forget to turn my front door light on and am always trying to put the key in the door while holding my son and it takes forever!
Don't know if I already missed this giveaway but count me in please!
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