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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Another Shirt UpCycle!!

Okay, so I have this large tub of clothes that was recently given to me, and my girls needed some new summer play clothes, so what have I been doing??

I am sure you guessed it, trying to find the best way to upcycle (reuse) those clothes.  After all, this is a great way to save money.  The clothes were give to me, and I already have the thread, so these are very inexpensive summer clothes for the girls!!

This cute little dress was made from a ladies shirt. I got the idea and pattern from Dana at Made, I love that blog. It is full of great sewing ideas and projects.

For the entire project, it may have taken an hour, but this was my first time using this pattern. It is super simple, so if you have a chance give it a try.

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