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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Christmas Traditions!!

Do you and your family have fun Christmas traditions? These are a few of the things that our family does at Christmas time.

1. Reindeer Food. I posted about this last year, and my kids absolutely loved it. They have been asking me when we would be doing it again, every since we put up the tree. You can read all about how to make it here. We make the reindeer food and sprinkle it on the yard on Christmas Eve, that way Santa's Reindeer will be sure to find our house (wink, wink). This is fun for both parents and children, and doesn't cost much. You probably already have the ingredients around the house.

2. Cookies for Santa. This is a favorite at my house as well. We like to make Chocolate chips and oatmeal cookies, and of course you can not forget to leave carrots for the reindeer and Chocolate milk, because my children seem to think that Chocolate is Santa's favorite.

3. Christmas morning breakfast. This is something new we will be starting this year. We always have breakfast, but this year I will be making monkey bread as a fun breakfast, of course I doubt the children will be interested in eating anything, but I will have it just in case.

4. Christmas PJ's. We do this every year. The children are allowed to open one present on Christmas Eve, and it is always a pair of Christmas pj's. They wear them that night, and on Christmas morning everyone has nice pretty pj's on for all of the pictures.

What are your Christmas traditions? Leave a comment and share what you and your family do to make the season special.

Linking to these parties.


Lilywinkel said...

What a great set of homey Christmas traditions! I can't wait until I have kids so I can make this season extra special for them. Thanks for these great ideas!

Anonymous said...

Merry Chrisrmas and Happy New Year 2011.

Best Wishes and Happiness.

follow you from blog hop.
