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Saturday, November 6, 2010

Fabulous Weekly Finds!!

Okay everyone, it is time for me to share some Fabulous weekly finds with you. Below are some of the best posts that I have found this week.

First up is Tiffany at Eat At Home. I just love her site, and her recipes are sooooo good!! This week Tiffany highlights Potato's, so be sure to stop by and see what you can do with them!!

Do you ever wonder what to do with all of those little happy meal toys?? Well, Crystal over at Crystal and Company has a great post up that will help you answer that question.

Kay over at Bucksome Boomer gives you her take on the benefits of using a credit card.

Coupon Mommie has tons of great coupon match-ups on her site.

Nikki, over at Coupon Cookin' has a great post with her Pumpkin Chocolate Chip cake. Just looking at the picture makes me hungry. I will definitely be trying this one at our house!!

Andrea, the Green Backs Gal has another great vlog up with a DIY Christmas gift.  You all know how much I love DIY projects, so be sure to check out what she does with lemons!!

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