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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Learning Tools (low cost)!!

If you have ever had the need to purchase any type of learning tool, you know how expensive it can be. Especially when you are looking for something specific.

I recently found the need for flash cards, but I needed the type that had pictures of common things like a cup, or bread on them. I needed these for my youngest daughter who is currently having communication delays.

I was shocked to see how much a set of cards like this costs, anywhere from $10.00 to $60.00. I found several places that you could order them online, but I just could not bring myself to do it. So, I set out on a mission to find a more cost effective solution.

I have tons of magazines around the house, so I started scanning them for pictures that I could use. I found several in a matter of minutes that would be perfect for my flash cards. So, I cut out the pictures and grabbed a stack of index cards and my glue stick.

Next, I simply glued my picture onto the card and used a little contact paper to make it water proof.

So for basically no money, because I had everything that I used just laying around the house, I made my own set of communication flash cards that are customized to my daughters exact needs.

My next step is to purchase some of the magnet strips and turn my cards into magnets that can be placed on the fridge, to further help with our communication process.

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