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Thursday, August 12, 2010

Look for savings in bulk!!

I have posted before about the pros and cons of shopping in bulk at large stores like Sams club, but did you know that you can find savings in bulk at your local grocery store??

At one of my local grocery stores, they sale bulk packages of things like sausage and lunch meat. For instance, they had a bundle of sausage (five rolls) on sale for $6.55. That breaks down to $1.31 per roll. That is a great price for a roll of sausage.

When you do find great deals on items in bulk, but don't think that you can use that much, don't forget about your freezer. Many things can be frozen until a later date.

So, you can find good deals on bulk buys at your regular grocery store, so always keep an eye out.

photo source: ortonesque

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