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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Save Green by Going Green!!

Happy Earth Day everyone!! In honor of Earth Day I thought I would post some ideas on how you can go green and save green.

Some things I have done:
1. Use cloth diapers. I know that when most people think of cloth diapers they thing of the old timey white ones that you have to fold and pin, but there are tons of options if you are looking to switch. My favorites are the All-in-Ones. This switch definitely helps to keep disposable diapers out of the landfill and keep more money in your wallet.

2. Cut the paper products. A while back we stopped using paper towels and napkins. Instead we use cloth napkins, and they work wonderfully. I used to be one of those people who thought I could not live without paper towels, but I have survived the switch and must admit that I like it.

3. Reuse things. Find different uses for items before you throw them out. For instance, old socks make great dust mitts. Slip them over your hand and you have the perfect thing to clean the blinds with. Old sheets can easily be transformed into cleaning rags. Many household items can be turned into planters for outside.

4. Shop thrift stores. You really can find some super deals on great things, and guess what you are recycling other peoples things when you it.

5. Grow your own vegetables. This one can be really fun for the kids as well as the adults.

6. Make your own compost. This really is simple, and is great for your garden.

7. Pass down the things you no longer use rather than throwing them away. If you have toys and clothes in your home that are no longer in use, give them to someone who can use them.

If you want to see some other great Earth Day tips visit Madame Deals.

photo source: aussiegall

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