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Friday, January 15, 2010

Clutter Free Friday!!

Last week I mentioned a book that I recently read, Confessions of an Organized Housewife. This book inspired me to become "clutter free", so each week we will talk about a different area to organize. Today we are going to tackle those scary kitchen drawers!!

The first thing you need to do is, separate all of that stuff. Do you really need 5 spatulas, or could you get by just fine with 2? Are there things in your kitchen drawers that do not belong there, for instance board game pieces, batteries, hair bows, you get the point. If items do not belong in your kitchen, then remove them so they will stop taking up precious space. Once you have removed all of the stuff that should not be in there, tackle each drawer one by one. Look at your items and think about how much you use it, if you really need it, and what your life would be like if you did not have it.

There are people out there who feel that they need to keep everything, just in case they need it one day. But, chances are when that day comes you probably will not be able to find it, if you even remember that you have it. So, go through each drawer and be realistic and disciplined. You will feel so much better once you move out the clutter.

photo source: martyz

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