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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Frugal Stocking Stuffers!!

Okay, with Christmas around the corner, it is time to start thinking about stocking stuffers. If you are like most of us, money is probably tight, and there may not be much to spend on Stocking stuffers, but have no fear I have found some great ideas for you.

1. This is probably my favorite idea, recycled crayons. You can find out how to make them here.

2. Homemade Play dough is another fun idea. You can find 10 easy recipes here.

3. Bathtub crayons are fun for the kids, and surprisingly easy to make. You can find the recipe here.

4. Homemade bath slats are great for tweens and teens. You can find out how to make your own here.

5. Make your own lip gloss for those tweens and teens too. They will be sure to love it, and you can find out how to make it here.

So there are a few ideas to get you started. Be sure to check back tomorrow for more great, frugal ideas.

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