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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Homeschool 101!!

As all of you know, it is time for the kids to start school. We have decided to homeschool our daughter who is in Kindergarten. This has been an exciting and interesting decision. I had no idea that there were so many different choices when it comes to materials and curriculum.

Are any of you other moms out there on the homeschool journey? So far we are doing well, but we have only been at it for three weeks. These are the curriculum I decided to start with:

Horizons Math
Shurley Grammar
Fun-Faith Builders, Memory Verse Mysteries
The Bob Books
I also bought one of the "Everything For Early Learning", workbooks. I feel that this goes along nicely with our lessons.

I do have other small children to contend with, so I try to homeschool while the others are napping. This has worked well for us, but I know I will need to find a new routine once the lessons become a little longer.

If you want some company on your homeschool journey, check out The Homeschool Lounge, they are currently having the 2009 Homeschool Open House.

There are tons of great prizes at the Homeschool Open house, so of my favorite include:

  • The Itty Bitty Bookworm
  • Homeschool Boutique
  • The Old School House Magazine planner module
  • Door Posts, the put out chart
  • CurClick
  • The Rainbow Resource
  • Blast Off On A Writing Adventure
There are also some freebies available there, so stop by and check them out.

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