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Friday, July 3, 2009

Looking for Sponsors!!

Hi everyone, hope you have super fun plans for the holiday. As many of you know I attended Blissdom 09 this year and it was great. I learned tons of new things, as well as made a few connections that made some of my giveaways possible. There is another conference coming up, Type A Mom.

I am currently in search of sponsors for this trip. If you are a business owner and would like to be introduced to some very influential mom bloggers at Type A Mom Conference, please consider my sponsorship opportunity.

For your sponsorship you will receive:
1. Distribution of your business cards and materials. I will hand out your business cards, samples, and any other materials you would like distributed.

2. An ad on my blog. You will receive an ad spot on the right hand side of my blog. If your business is interested in sponsoring the entire amount needed for the trip you will receive ad space on my blog from now until the end of the year.

3. Tweets and a post about your product or service. For my sponsors I will write a blog post about your product, service, or site.

The conference expenses are as follows:
Conference fee: $150.00
Hotel: 125 per night * 4 nights = $500.00
Transportation: $160.00 for rental car

I am looking for partial or full sponsorship. If you are a business owner, or know a business owner who would like for their company to gain great exposure in the "blogsphere" contact me, bkwatts3 @ gmail . com (remove the spaces).

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