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Friday, June 12, 2009

Free Summer Activities!!

Okay, so it is summer time, and the kids are out of school. If you are anything like me, you know that the more you occupy the children, the happier they will be. So, what can you do to make their summer fun??

Here are a few ideas:

Check out your local library. Our library has story time for children once per week. It is separated by age group, and my children love it. Also check out the movies and books while you are there. They usually have a good selection, and they are free to check out.

Go to the park. I live in a small town, but it has several parks. This is a great resource to take advantage of, and the kids love going to play.

Take in some history. Check in your town to see what type of historical things it has to offer. Many are free or very inexpensive to get into.

What ideas do you have for this summer? Leave a comment and share your fun ideas.

Photo source: swamibu

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