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Friday, May 15, 2009

Yard Sale Ready!!

If you have been reading my blog for a while, you probably know how much I like to shop at yard sales. In an effort to help you make the most of your yard sailing experience I want to share some of my favorite tips.

  • Take small bills, and lots of change. My favorite sales are the ones that have items priced below $1.00.

  • Check the items carefully. Needless to say there are no returns at yardsales, so make sure you check everything very well. Look for holes, missing buttons, cracks, and other types of damage.

  • Do not pay too much. There are two types of yard sales, the ones where people actually want to get rid of their stuff, and the ones where people want you to pay for their memories associated with certain items. Don't pay for memories, if it costs too much, leave it there.

  • If you find an item that you absolutely love but the price is too high, ask if they will take less for the item.

  • Make a list of items to look for before you go, that way you will not forget anything when you get "caught up in the hunt".

  • Get a news paper and make a list of all of the sales you want to go to.

Not only are yard sales fun, but you can find some really great items for really cheap prices. Don't be afraid to go and look, you never know what you might find.

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