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Monday, February 2, 2009

Birthday Month??

Hi everyone. February is going to be Birthday Month on Savin' Some. It can be hard to plan a nice birthday party on a tight budget, but it CAN be done. This month we will cover issues such as; menu, location, decorations, party favors, themes, and many more. I also have some great giveaways lined up, all about birthdays.

So, if you have parties to plan, be sure to check back weekly for the birthday tips, tricks, and freebies.


Anonymous said...

Couldn't come at a better time I have 3 birthdays to plan in Feb and 1 18th birthday in April Thank you !!!!

JJ said...

Hi, Wonderful. I have several bdays this month. [Mother-in-law, Sister-in-law, Dear Hubby, Daughter - 13, Grandson - 2, and Anniversary for one daughter/hubby.] Thanks.

Anonymous said...

great timing my sons 7th birthday is in march and we set a budget for $500 and i need all the help i can get thanx

Anonymous said...

great timing my sons 7th birthday is in march and we set a budget for $500 and i need all the help i can get thanx