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Monday, December 1, 2008


Hi, if you have a product that you would like reveiwed, or find a good deal that I missed please email me at bkwatts3 @ gmail.com (remove the spaces). Thanks so much, and I look forward to hearing from you.

1 comment:

Shopping Golightly said...


I’m picking up a project I put down before the holidays and am asking for your help.

I set up a petition on Facebook for a USA National Thrift Store Month. Here is the URL:

I created a JPEG graphic on the top right on my site. I realize it’s kinda ugly. I just long for the day when I can afford a blog designer. You could create your own link or just write about it. But I really think we could make this happen, National Thrift Store Month.

Thanks for any help you may be able to supply and feel free to spread the word!

Amy aka Shopping Golightly