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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Work It Out Wednesday!!

On August 20th, I posted about my efforts to get in shape and drop some baby weight. I am posting my progress in order to keep myself motivated. I am happy to report that since my original post I have stayed motivated and exercised almost everyday (I was sick two days, and did not get to exercise then) however, I am proud that I have managed to stay committed and focused. I am not sure how much weight I have lost because, honestly I have not weighed myself in a while, but I will in the morning so that I will have some numbers to report. If anyone would like to hop on my little "weight loss train" feel free to leave me a comment. It always helps to have someone to keep you motivated.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YAY for you! I'm sure you're excited to a better you! A mom in our playgroup mentioned a while back that she did the Special K diet and lost all her baby weight. But exercise makes EVERYONE feel better!