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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Frugal Vacation, Part 1!!

Okay, what is one of the most expensive parts of vacation? You guessed it, Food! Well in order to stay under budget for our vacation, this is how we tackled that issue. When we arrived at our hotel, after we checked in we went grocery shopping. I bought some convenience foods that I do not normally buy, but when you compare the price of those compared to fast food, it really saved tons of money.
For breakfast on our vacation we had eggs, and toast.
For lunch we did turkey or peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
For supper we had frozen pizza one night, a frozen lasagna one night, a frozen pasta meal one night, and a frozen chicken meal one night. For a family of five we averaged spending $5.00 a night for food, way less then we would have spent on take out. The same goes for lunch and breakfast. We also bought snacks and drinks at the grocery store, to keep us from going to the vending machine. Overall I was very happy with the meal portion of our vacation, and the best part was that we were $40.00 under the food budget.
Stay tuned, tomorrow we will be talking about fugal activities for vacation.

1 comment:

Jill said...

You Go Girl! It's such a deep satisfaction to be able to Save and yet still have a Great Time and not miss out on a thing!

I enjoyed looking at your vacation pics :)