It is time for another Coupon Giveaway. I am giving away an envelope filled with over 100 coupons. To enter, just leave me a comment about your favorite way to save money. The winner will be chosen using Random.org on Saturday morning, August 9.
Stay tuned for Motivation Monday, It is going to be good, and Tasty Tuesday will have a SUPER recipe (you don't want to miss it). Thanks for visiting, and if you like what you see, please subscribe using the box in the right hand column.
I really enjoyed reading your deals at CVS this week. I'm in the process of working mine as well. I read alot of books and enjoy movies, so I'm a frequent user of the library. Books are obviously free to checkout, as well as the movies for 7 days (which includes new releases!) Saves you from having to store and dust the books/movies too!
I love seeing CVS scenarios, thanks for blogging about yours. I save money by couponing and growing and canning my own food whenever possible. I gather wild blackberries to make cobblers and jellies. And when you can't grow your own, you can always find farmer's markets.
I grow my own herbs because it cost way to much to buy them. I have just started really using coupons. I love the CVS deals!
I would love to win this. I love checking Money Saving Mom every Saturday night and organizing my shopping trips based on her and her reader's tips for the week. I get my Sunday paper the next morning and match my coupons up to the deals and I am ready to go.
I designate a certain reward for myself/my family that we can indulge in on the weekend if I'm able to not make any unneccesary expenditures during the week. This helps me self-regulate when I'm faced with temptations! I can ask myself, "Do I want this, or do I want the reward?" Then the choice is easy!
Sometimes the reward is "free", like heading to the beach, or sometimes it's splurging on something. Today my hubby and I headed to Chinatown for a meal with friends!
My favorite way is coupons and not to eat out!
Hi, count me in the giveaway! I save money by using coupons and buying only during best deals possible. We also buy food from Angel Food Ministry for 2 months already and it's saving us money from grocery. We also rent free dvd from Redbox using promo codes.
I'd love to enter - I am just getting into a lot of things - clipping coupons and CVS-ing is one of my favorite new hobbies (how did I survive before this?) and one of the biggest helps to me lately is to actually take advantage of the public library, for books and cds and all kinds of things, instead of just running out to buy whatever the newest one is.
I am just starting to coupon and am loving it! It is so great to have so many places to help you find the best deals!!
I love saving money by hanging our laundry out to dry
When the sales and deals aren't exciting, I just stay home. Can't spend money if I'm not in the stores to be tempted and there's no rule that says I have to shop every week!
Yeah saving money is soooo much fun!! ~ lol!! I love helping others too. I think that's my favorite part about this whole adventure :) Thanks brandi! BTW - I love the new Macaroni Grill dinners. We had the basil chicken and it was good. Definatly a buyer.
I have seen a huge difference in my spending in the last two months just by basing my meals for the week on the sales at various stores and my coupons. Also, free toiletries at CVS never hurts!
I pair my coupons with sales and stock up on things my family uses, and utilize the rebate programs from our area drug stores.
Blogs are my BEST friends on tips, copouns, and scenarios! I've caught the bug! thanks!
I love combining coupons with my CVS card and sale items love getting those ECBS and don't forget Walgreens 1% rebates every little bit helps with a 5 month old!!
I save by buying at farmers markets in bulks and then spliting the half with my sisterin law that was it is even cheper for me and I dont have vegetables going to waste because it is too much for me to use befor it spoils.
Thank you for the coupon give away and I hope I win.
I could use these coupons bad hubby got his hrs cut so now im using coupons and it helps so much
I save by use coupons and i love cvs deals also thank you for sharing yours with us. we dont eat out and we shop the farmers market for all of are produce that is how we save we also go to the library to get books and movie instead of renting them are buying them
I use coupons,coupons and more coupons.We have one income so our budget is tight!!I have a neice who is having her first baby so I have been able to use CVS deals with coupons to get her free stuff for the baby.Otherwise I wouldn't have been able to help out.I also bought school supplies for my Wednesday night girls' class and of course my own kids!!Love your blog!!
just found your blog today and love it...thanks for sharing!
My fav. way to save money is buy using cold water to wash clothes and hanging them up to dry...also turning off the water when I shave my legs.
My favorite way to save money is to save my coupons for the CVS ECB items, then you can get alot of free items.
brninaz at yahoo dot com
I bake my own quick breads
My grocery shopping trip is to leave my husband and kids at home. I always end up spending more money when they're with me and I don;t here anyone complaining while I'm looking for a coupon. :)
I have started saving up coupons and using them all in one trip. That way, I feel like I did really well when I come home with a ton of stuff for a little price!
I love coupons I'm hooked there is know better feeling then to save money! I love your recipes there all great and this is a great site!!
I am fairly new to couponing, and it just gives me such an adrenaline rush! Money saving tip: carpool with a friend to go shopping. it makes the shopping more fun, AND you save on gas
I heard about your coupon give away from Dealing Seeking Mom and had to come take a look.
I too am new to this couponing stuff and one thing that I do is print all my internet coupons on scratch paper (the backs of junk mail, my kids' pictures, printer mess-ups, etc.) It helps save on the expense of paper.
I am relatively new to couponing but am loving it. I have CVS down so will be branching out. This week at CVS I paid $10.01 OOP and saved $62.62 on items. And got $14.50 in ECB so made $4.49 on the deal!!!! But I also have gone to ordering two products I use (Proactiv and Juice Plus) off Ebay at a fraction of the cost.
My favorite way to save money is to stock up on things when they are on sale...like bread...buy one get one free. So we buy 4 and freeze 3 of them. Also things like rice, mac and cheese and other things that can't go bad. I also look around to see who has what on sale. I shop at Giant, which gives you money off of your gas...so I spend $500, I get 50 cents off each gallon of gas I get. Pretty nice huh? That's my favorite way to save money!
We refill our foam soap dispensers with a little soap and a lot of water...it makes the soap last a LOT longer! I just got two bottles of Dawn today at CVS for CHEAP and they'll last a LONG time!
my favorite way to save money is to shop with a list. its hard sometimes...but I look at the circulars and decide what I need to buy from which store.
thanks for the giveaway!
walgreens has become my new best friend because of the rebate program,rr,and coupons. you can really get some great deals for little money.
Stock, stock, stock!
Whenever there's a good deal I stock up until I have enough for a year.
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