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Friday, June 27, 2008

Monthly Shopping At Aldi

Okay, I have heard so many people says great things about Aldi, I decided to give it a try. I live 45 min. away from aldi, but with their prices I thought it might be worth a monthly trip. This is how I did.

(6) rolls of ground turkey
(1) 5.5 lb. Chicken
(1) bag of chicken nuggets
(4) cans of Cream of Mushroom Soup
(3) cans of corn
(3) 5lb. bags of sugar
(1) bag of flour
(1) bag of cheese puffs
(1) 12 pack of diet soda
(5) loaves of white bread
(1) pack of cookie dough
(5) cans of biscuts
(5) boxes of mac and cheese
(1) box of butter
(1) salad dressing
(1) pack of bologna
(1) bottle of vegtable oil
(5) cans of spagetti o's
(2) boxes of tea
(2) bags of salad
(1) bag of chocolate chips
(1) 3lb. bag of rice
(1) box of frozen waffles
(2) packs of turkey bacon
(2) boxes corn muffin mix
(1) package of squash
(1) package of broccoli
(1) pack of quart freezer bags
(1) pack of gallon freezer bags
(1) box of baking soda
(1) jar of grape jelly
and, I forgot my bags at home so I bought four.

My grand total was $68.47
I was happy with the trip, we will see how long all of this stuff lasts. I know I will have to make weekly trips for the produce and milk, but I think this will last a while.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! That is a ton of stuff! Are you freezing some of that bread? Girl, you really need to help me shop!

love ya!